Sans Souci Public School

Encouraging respectful relationships through our values

Telephone02 9529 6123

Bell times

Bell times 

  • 8:45am to 9:15am : Direct supervision by a teacher in the playground. All students must stay in the correct area.
  • 9:15am: Classes commence.
  • 11:15am: Eating time (direct supervision by a teacher in the playground or classroom)
  • 11:25am to 12:05pm: Lunch break (direct supervision by teachers in the playground or classroom).
  • 1:50pm to 2:15pm: Fruit break (direct supervision by teachers in the playground or classroom).
  • 3:15pm: Home bell   


Weekly routines


Tuesday: School wide assembly - 9:15am to 9:30am

Friday: Year 3 to 6 assembly - 12:05pm to 1:05pm

Friday: Kindergarten to Year 2 assembly -1:05pm to 1:50pm

Tuesday scripture and ethics  

Year 3 to 6 – 2:15pm to 2.45pm

Kindergarten to Year 2 – 2.45pm to 3:15pm


Kindergarten to Year 2 sport  

Year 1 and 2 – 1:00pm to 1:50pm

Kindergarten – 12:05pm to 1:00pm


Year 3 to 6 sport

Primary School Sport Association (PSSA) – 9:15am to 11:15am

House sport – 9:15am to 10:30am