Sans Souci Public School

Encouraging respectful relationships through our values

Telephone02 9529 6123

Learning remotely

Dear Parents and Carers,

Following my community update yesterday the most recent advice from the NSW Department of Education to be shared with all families is:

Parents must keep children - of all ages, across primary and secondary schooling and early childcare - home if they can. Students will be supported to learn from home. Schools are open but students should be learning from home wherever possible. 

If you are unsure if this applies to your family situation and would like to discuss this further please contact the school.

Teachers are supporting all students Learning from Home by keeping in touch with students and families with phone calls and/or contact through Google Classroom, preparing learning tasks for each week, providing feedback for students on learning tasks completed and also providing general support for students and families where required. From next week, (Monday 26 July) all students and families will be supported through the Google Classroom platform (K-2 families will receive information by Thursday this week).

At present there is only minimal supervision being provided onsite for students who must attend and the school needs to plan for ongoing minimal supervision required until Friday 30 July

If you are unable to provide care for your child due to your responsibility as an essential worker please indicate which days of the week your child(ren) will be attending the school until July 30. 

Please email the details of any required school attendance by your child(ren) to the school at

Thank you for supporting your child and the safety of all community members. 

Kind regards,

Rob Jennings

Learning from Home Resources Week 2, 19th July - 23rd July

Dear Parents and Carers,

The Week 2 Learning from Home Early Stage 1 timetable and extra resources are attached below. 

Printed copies of these resources will also be made available for collection on Monday 19 July between 10:00am and 11:00am, in the park outside the pedestrian gate on The Boulevarde. In the event of wet weather, parents and carers will be required to check in and collect the packs from under the Primary COLA. 

As always, we hope that you are staying safe and well. Our teachers are working tirelessly to deliver Learning from Home as well as providing minimal supervision for children of essential workers. If you have any questions about the learning resources please email the school office.

Kind Regards

ES1 Teachers

Dear Parents and Carers,

Please find attached resources for Learning from Home for Week 2. These include:

● A timetable - please feel free to vary lesson times to suit your family circumstances

● Spelling lists (attached to the end of the timetable) - Your child only needs to do the spelling list appropriate to their year level.

● Language work - please only complete the language lesson appropriate for your child. Your child should know which language class they are in but if there are any questions please email the office.

● Additional games - there are two printable game resources for the maths lessons.

It is anticipated that K-2 students will begin to access their lessons online from Week 3 via Google Classroom. Information about Google Classroom will be provided at the end of week 2. We will still continue to offer printed Learning from Home materials to families who do not have access to a printer and more information will be provided about collection days and times at the end of next week.

As always, we hope that you are staying safe and well. Our teachers are working tirelessly to deliver Learning from Home as well as providing minimal supervision for children of essential workers. If you have any questions about the learning resources please email the school office.

Kind Regards,

Stage 1 Teachers

Stage 1 Resources
Timetable and Spelling Words French                   

Mathematics Games 
Doubles Cards - Day 6 
'Teen' and 'ty' Match        
Greek A Year 1
Greek A Year 2
Greek B Year 1 and 2               

Dear Parents and Carers,

For Term 3 Learning from Home, Stage 2 students will use the same format used in 2020; a five day a week timetable, separated into approximately 3 one hour sessions per day. Click here to access the Week 2 Timetable.

How students complete the learning tasks online is up to parents and carers. Parents may want work completed in a workbook, on a worksheet, or they may let students work online. It is up to parents and what suits their family best.

There will be a video on the weekly Google Classroom post to explain the Online Learning Timetable format. 

We are also connecting our writing tasks and modelled reading with our Science / Geography theme: The Earth and its Environments. There are slideshows and Docs with instructions for these lessons and you can complete your work on the Slideshow or Doc. These documents automatically save for your teacher to see so there is no need to upload the finished work.

Mathematics will be a combination of worksheets and online tasks from Mathletics and the Open Middle website. Students can print out or write the answers on a piece of paper from the worksheets. Complete at least one page per day over the week. We will also be setting 6 Tasks in Mathletics each week. Thursday will be ‘Maths Challenge Day!’ to assist students with the language and patterns of Mathematics. The whole family could get involved in discussing these problems and solutions if they choose.

Please find below several videos that will assist you in accessing Online Learning resources. We created these videos in 2020 so many of the videos feature the Stage 2 2020 class teachers, however, the information is still relevant. The videos are also posted in all Stage 2 Google Classrooms.

Beginning this week, class teachers will provide feedback on writing, modelled reading (that is linked to our Science / Geography unit) and a maths work sample through a Rubric, a feature of Google Classroom.

The video below from 2020 explains the Rubrics we have created:

We understand this is a challenging situation for families and we appreciate your support and understanding. It is not compulsory for you and your child to complete all of the learning tasks we have provided. Of course in the classroom each day, teachers adapt tasks to assist students to complete their learning tasks to the best of their ability. The tasks provided on this timetable are generic for all Stage 2 students. If you or your child are unclear of the expectations, you can either contact the class teacher through the school office on 9529 6123 or by sending an email or you can choose another activity to complete with your child.

If you require printed copies of these materials will be available for pick up at school on Monday 19 July. Weather permitting, the collection point will be located at the tables in the park outside the pedestrian gate on The Boulevarde from 10am - 11.00am; however, if the weather is inclement, parents and carers will be required to check in and collect the packs from under the 3-6 COLA. 

Parents and carers picking up these resources from the appropriately grade labelled tables must wear a mask and use the COVID Safe Check-in at the school gate, collect the resources and leave the area promptly. Please be patient and observe social distancing between any adults of 1.5m and check out using the Covid Safe Check-in as you leave the site.

This will be our format for the next two weeks (Weeks 2 and 3 July 19-30) and we look forward to seeing you back in the classroom and in the playground this term as soon as it is safe for us all to return to school.

Kind Regards

Mr Gordon Callaughan & Stage 2 Teachers

Stage 2 Assistant Principal

Dear Parents and Carers,

We are hoping you and your family are managing as well as you can in these challenging circumstances. With the recent NSW Department of Health extension of the Greater Sydney lockdown students will be Learning from Home for the next two weeks (July 19-30).

Therefore, to support Learning from Home, Stage 3 teachers have developed a new learning program for the two weeks and will continue posting learning tasks in their respective Google Classrooms. 

Learning activities provided will be consistent across all Year 5 classes and all Year 6 classes with a learning overview provided at the beginning of the week. A daily guide of suggested tasks to be completed by your child will be uploaded each morning at 9am. In some circumstances classroom teachers will modify individual student programs and this will be communicated through individual students’ Google Classroom. 

Our expectations for students completing and uploading their finished work will continue to be flexible. As is currently the practice, teachers will continue providing feedback where necessary on submitted tasks.

Each day an attendance post will again require your child to indicate that they have logged into their Google Classroom. This will assist your child’s teacher to monitor their daily attendance and engagement.

If your child is experiencing issues with completing their online learning from home, please contact the school via email ( and your child’s classroom teacher will be in touch as soon as possible. 


Kind regards,

Stage 3 teachers

We're keeping students learning both in and out of the classroom.

Explore the department's Learning remotely resources to support both online and offline learning for all students.

Learning remotely without technology

We understand some students do not have access to a device or internet for online learning. Contact the school to discuss non-digital learning from home options for your child.